Sunday, October 21, 2018

Dashain vibes(2075)


As holidays knocked my door I was very happy  As we had planned to visit my hometown “kavre” which is no less than a paradise.I couldn’t wait to be there and enjoy the natural beauty of the place. The very next of the vacation we left for our hometown and the journey was very nice. We left to our hometown right next day of gatasthapana.Me my brother and sister went in bus.After we finally reached there I was very excited to meet and talk to my mother after long time.Days passed so fast and we realized that tomorrow was the seventh auspicious of the great festival Dashain i.e. Fulpati. My mom started all the preparations and I was all busy with my cousins and friends.

The very next day i.e. Fulpati, early in the morning we got a phone call and unexpectedly got the bad news that was one of our relative expired. It was so sad to hear this news as it was dreadful feeling for us. Yet, we knew we could do nothing and we were okay. The same way other days passed and we did nothing special as there was no happiness between us. Though it was a great gathering of our family. It was so interesting to hear the political gossips when everyone was together. Yet it was really good experience to be to my beautiful hometown “kavre”. We got to meet everyone almost after a year and enjoyed a lot.So we came back to ktm right after tika.I wanted to make t memorable as I had done lots of shopping for this but god had othr plan nevertheless we enjoyed a lot.